Postoperative Tips after Robotic Hernia Repair

Postoperative Tips after Robotic Hernia Repair | Dr. Pinak Dasgupta

Undergoing robotic hernia repair surgery is a significant step towards restoring your health and well-being. After the procedure, it is essential to follow proper postoperative care guidelines to ensure a smooth recovery. Dr. Pinak Dasgupta, an expert in robotic surgery at GEM Hospital and Research Centre, offers valuable postoperative tips to promote healing and optimize outcomes.

  1. Follow Medication Instructions: Dr. Dasgupta emphasizes the importance of taking prescribed medications as directed. These may include pain relievers, antibiotics, and medications to prevent constipation. Adhering to the prescribed medication regimen helps manage pain, prevent infection, and maintain bowel regularity.
  2. Care for Incision Sites: Proper wound care is crucial for optimal healing. Keep the incision sites clean and dry. Follow the specific instructions provided by Dr. Dasgupta regarding dressing changes, if required. Avoid soaking in bathtubs or swimming pools until the wounds have completely healed.
  3. Manage Pain and Discomfort: Some degree of pain and discomfort is normal after robotic hernia repair. Dr. Dasgupta will prescribe pain medication to alleviate any discomfort. Take the medications as directed and report any excessive pain or unusual symptoms promptly.
  4. Gradual Physical Activity: While it is important to rest and allow your body to heal, it is equally essential to engage in gentle physical activity as advised by Dr. Dasgupta. Gradually increase your activity levels, starting with short walks and light exercises. This promotes blood circulation, reduces the risk of blood clots, and aids in the healing process.
  5. Balanced Diet and Hydration: Maintain a nutritious and balanced diet to support your body’s healing process. Consume foods rich in fiber, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Stay hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day. Avoid heavy, spicy, or fatty foods that may cause digestive discomfort.
  6. Prevent Constipation: Constipation is a common postoperative issue. To prevent constipation, include high-fiber foods in your diet, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Stay hydrated and consider taking a stool softener or a mild laxative if necessary. However, always consult Dr. Dasgupta before taking any over-the-counter medications.
  7. Follow Activity Restrictions: Dr. Dasgupta will provide specific instructions regarding activity restrictions after robotic hernia repair. Avoid lifting heavy objects, strenuous activities, and intense workouts until you receive clearance from Dr. Dasgupta. Following these restrictions helps prevent strain on the surgical site and promotes healing.
  8. Attend Follow-up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor your progress and address any concerns. Dr. Dasgupta will schedule postoperative visits to assess your recovery, remove stitches, and evaluate your overall well-being. Attend these appointments and communicate openly about your recovery experience.

Dr. Pinak Dasgupta:

Guiding Your Recovery: Dr. Pinak Dasgupta’s expertise in robotic surgery and compassionate patient care extends to postoperative guidance as well. His commitment to your well-being ensures that you receive the highest level of care throughout your recovery journey.


Postoperative care plays a vital role in achieving a successful recovery after robotic hernia repair surgery. By following Dr. Pinak Dasgupta’s postoperative tips, you can facilitate healing, manage discomfort, and regain your strength and mobility. Trust in Dr. Dasgupta’s expertise and guidance as you navigate the recovery process, knowing that you are in capable hands.
