Know All About Laparoscopic Hernia Repair

Know All About Laparoscopic Hernia Repair

In the last few years, a lot of innovations and technology have been made in the medical field and Laparoscopic Hernia repair Surgery is one the Surgery in  that come with new surgical procedures and brought some advanced technology for patient care. One of the best innovations that have been accepted worldwide is known as the Minimally Invasive Surgery technique or advanced approach to the traditional method of surgery. This technique is used in hernia surgery as well. In this Blog, Dr. Pinak Dasgupta explains how laparoscopic surgery techniques are used in hernia treatment and their advantages over traditional surgery.

The traditional approach to hernia repair includes an open surgical procedure where a large cut is made at the spot of the hernia, which helps the surgeon direct access to the affected area but this surgical producer takes a longer time for recovery and has more post-surgical pain, it includes a higher risk of complications. Patients were required to stay in the hospital for a long period which led to discomfort and a delay in return

What is a laparoscopic Hernia Repair?

Laparoscopic Hernia Repair is a technique to fix hernia defects in the abdominal wall using small incisions, telescopes, and a patch (mesh). It is usually performed through 3 small incisions on your abdomen. These are the sites used for the insertion of instruments and a microchip camera called a ‘laparoscope’. The abdomen is inflated with carbon dioxide gas which allows a good view of the hernia.

Are you a candidate for Laparoscopic Hernia Repair?

Only after a thorough examination can your surgeon determine whether laparoscopic hernia repair is right for you. The procedure may not be best for some patients who have had previous abdominal surgery or underlying medical conditions. The operation is performed as a day case, which means you will usually stay for part of the day or all day. This operation is usually performed with general anesthesia.

Benefits or Advantages of Laparoscopic Hernia Repair:

  • Faster Recovery: one of the best advantages of laparoscopic hernia form is that it takes less time for recovery. Cases who suffer this procedure generally feel less post-surgical pain and can renew normal day-to-day life as early as those who go for traditional open surgery.
  • Lower Cuts: The Small cuts nature of laparoscopic hernia repair surgery. It means lower cuts are made, resulting in reduced pain and resulting in fast results. This Surgery is particularly important for cases concerned about the cosmetic impact of surgery.
  • Lower Risk of Infection: The smaller cut also helps to lessen the risk of infection, as there are fewer cuts made and it reduces the chance of infection. This is a critical factor in helping to get a successful and complication-free recovery.
  • Less pain: The use of smaller cuts and specialized instruments minimizes trauma to surrounding tissues, leading to less post-surgical pain for patients. This contributes to an overall great surgical experience.
  • Fast Return to Day-to-Day Life: Patients who undergo laparoscopic hernia repair can find themselves back to their day-to-day routine as sooner than those who choose traditional open surgery. This Fast return to normal life is the best evidence of this innovative surgical Method

Dr. Pinak DasGupta is known as the best laparoscopic surgeon and hernia specialist at GEM Hospital, Chennai. With his exceptional expertise, personalized approach, and state-of-the-art facilities, Dr. Pinak Dasgupta is the go-to specialist for individuals seeking effective and long-lasting solutions for their hernia concer
